Giving Time and Talents
Currently we are in need of VOLUNTEERS!! Have a talent? Maybe you can share your gift with us!! Contact the office at 410-679-5912. 
Prince of Peace is proud to be such an active parish. Through our liturgies and sacraments, distribution of food, the Fiesta, Wednesday Bingo and other events, and our partnerships in the community, we are always busy! If you’d like to offer your time and talents to make our activities a success, speak with Michelle in the parish office. We are happy to help each other serve God and neighbor.
The Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council #6188 meets in the parish hall on the first and third Tuesdays each month. Fr. Jon Morse is the council’s Chaplain, and he is grateful to have the Knights’ support in the parish. To learn more or to join the Knights of Columbus, speak to the Grand Knight Tom O’Hara.